Monday, February 2, 2009


I hit the 50 page mark on the new script yesterday and if I can keep up this rate, it will be finished on the downslide of never.

I'm gonna have to ramp things up if I'm gonna do this thing this year. The problem is that, given my druthers, my brain will find ten thousand other things to do instead of writing. I'll surf the net, play video games, watch tv, hell, my mind would rather clean than focus on writing.

And that's just sad.

It takes a tremendous lack of discipline to just sit there and do nothing. To be honest a large portion of it boils down to just pure laziness but, and we're being honest, it's more to do with a fear of failure. That old "what if no one likes it or thinks it's any good". That kind of thing can be crippling if you let in and let it get a hold of you.

I guess it's something that everyone goes through and everyone has their own way of working through it, myself included, and I just need to hunker down and do that.

So far I love what I have and I have a very clear idea of where I'm going and how I'm getting there. And I can't wait to shoot it.

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