Sunday, April 12, 2009

Well, that sucked...

Trying to shoot something on our level is always something of a crap shoot. No one's getting paid so some have a tendency to not take it seriously. And especially here in ABQ, it seems like the more Hollywood comes to town, the more actors and crew here believe that working on something indie that has no promise of ever going anywhere, is simply a waste of time and energy.

Of course, there are exceptions and there are some people around town that would be committed to the project no matter what it is. Finding them, or course, is the hard part.

Yesterday was the first day of production on John's short and I can safely say, I think, that it was a complete mess. Nothing really got done and while that was truly no one's fault, it's just a reminder of how hard we all have to work. While the boons are things like smaller crews, increased mobility, and increased creativity, the huge downside is that one small hitch can shut the whole thing down.

Anyway, moving on, moving forward. Working on a short of my own now, in addition to the feature. Hopefully one of these things will catch fire.

Later Days.